Tag: India

NAW interview with Ketaki Datta

Dr. Ketaki Datta

NAW- When did your literary journey begin? At what age did you discover that you wanted to write? Ketaki Datta- I had fallen in love with the world of words when I was just a toddler. As I was reared…

‘Out of My League’ by Anupam Dey

Short story selected for the 2013 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology Victor’s mother’s words hummed in his ears like the air pressure in the cochlear duct while landing. It hurt deep in an unbearably painful but strangely, pleasant way.…


Short story selected for the 2013 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology “Father, should I help you in turning you over to your left side?” enquired the young woman.  “You’ll be more comfortable that way.  At least for sometime.  You’ve…

‘Judgement Night’ by Gaurav Dixit

Short story selected for the 2013 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology Of the four men standing around Maulana Abu al-Sa’id’s body, one resembled a statue. He heard not a word of what the other three were talking among themselves.…


voices and hearts 2

The corpses of those Who die from drowning Stink like hell. The corpses Of cancer-patients Ooze hazardous wastes.   Burning dead bodies Comes easily enough To the professional cremator For whom sorting out Fragments of bones from ashes Is easier…

‘Once in a by-lane’ by Meha Pande

Short story selected for the 2013 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology Ramla and Onir were in the underground book market of Chandani Bazaar. Chandani Bazaar was called so because it bore an obvious resemblance to Dilli’s Chandani Chowk. But this…

‘Maximum’ by Puspita Das Barbara

Short story selected for the 2013 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology He couldn’t see when he was born. But then that’s natural for pups. Their eyes open only about two weeks after their birth. And he was the tiniest.…

‘Kubo-bird’ by Rudra Kinshuk

It is a morning of the latter half of Ashwin. Nikhilesh makes himself seated near the front-door of his house. No shirt on his body. But it has been covered with one end of his dhoti. In the morning a…