Author: Victoria Solodilova

Victoria Solodilova is a third-year student of the Foreign Philology Department, Vernadskiy Tavrichesky National University, Crimea. Her works were published in Crimean periodicals “The vermilion sail”, “The poetical map of Crimea”, newspapers, magazines. She worked as an editor-in-chief of the light magazine for men, as well as a non-staff correspondent, a journalist of the Author's columns, a television anchorman and a broadcast over the radio. She writes in different genres and styles. After graduation, she plans to move to India to live and work there.

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Spicy aroma of kari filled up the air of a summer starry night, that has spread out a black velvet blanket with small dots in the sky. Residents of a small Indian village were returning home, marry and flushed, after…